Grand Master - M.̇.W.̇. Steven Adam Rubin
Deputy Grand Master - R.̇.W.̇. Robert Hogan Jr.
District Deputy Grand Master - R.̇.W.̇. Ron Shepard


LODGE OFFICERS 2023 – 2024
W:. Kris Estrada - Master
(201) 669-0088


Bro. Michael Bistreich - Senior Warden
Bro. Orlando Rueda - Junior Warden
V.̇.W.̇. Anthony Varvara - Secretary
(917) 596-7159

Bro. Jason Cohen - Assistant Secretary

R.̇.W.̇. Antonio Giannattasio - Treasurer
(917) 864-5759


Bro. Amer Abu Houran - Senior Deacon
Bro. Frank Hatsis- Junior Deacon
Bro. Norman DeJesus - Senior M of C
Bro. Daveananda Jodhan - Junior M of C
Bro. Brian J. Madden - Senior Steward
Bro. Amyt Eckstein - Junior Steward
Bro. Joseph W. Battista-Marshal
Bro. Walter Curella - Organist
Bro. Robert M. Pence - Tiler
R:.W.̇. Ron Shepard - Chaplain


W.̇. Thomas A. Stanten - 2026
W.̇. Joseph Posa 2024
V.̇.W.̇. James Reichman 2025

We at Norsemen Lodge are advocates of charitable events. If there are any Brothers who know of an event that we can be part of, please do not hesitate to contact the Worshipful Master.